I would first like to proclaim myself the Nostradamus of sports. In a previous blog, I entitled it Anger Management?, and yesterday Frankie Rodriguez announced in an apology he would enter anger management. I am Jesus.
Now when I first started this blog, it was not my intention to make it into a bash the Mets blog, but it seems like I have been doing it a lot. They just provide me with too much material and make it way too easy. I actually am a Mets fan. I say that with pride. So big deal if it makes me a born loser, and my future children victims of years of abuse because they will be Met fans too. Big deal if it made me into the most negative person in the world who thinks everything in life will turn out bad. My wife has accepted it and so should society. Being a Met fan has toughened me up for life. Yankee fans are a bunch of pussies. They do not know what suffering is. They do not understand failure. Failure for a Yankee fan is, "Oh, we lost in the first round of the playoffs", cry me a freakin river. A Met fan hardly knows what the playoffs are. Playoffs for a Met fan are called the NFL.
Those that know me and follow my blog (The six of you) know that I am not a big David Wright fan. I actually can not stand the site of him. I hardly ever call him David Wright anymore. Sometimes I refer to him as David K. The K stands for strike outs, which it seems like he does at least once a game. I also like to call him "girl arm" for all his sissy looking side arm throws that never reach the first basemen. The name I will refer to him for now on is Mr. Overrated. My goal is for Met fans to start listening to everything that I have been saying about him. I want them to see the light.
Those that do not see the light should have watched Saturday nights game against the Phillies (If you are a loser like me and have no life then you probably did). The situation was bases loaded, two outs, Mets down 2-0. To be fair, the Mets probably would not have won the game regardless considering Roy Halladay was pitching. The Mets offense is so pathetic that they can not hit bad pitchers. What makes anyone think they could hit one of the best. A weak ground ball was hit to Mr. Overrated. So it should be very simple, field the ball and step on third to end the inning. Well Mr. Overrated decided to do his best impersonation of Bill Buckner, and let the ball go threw his legs allowing another two runs score making it a 4-0 game, giving the Mets ultimately no shot to come back in the game. In all honesty, a tee ball player would have made that play. A one armed midget would have made that play. The fans superhero was not able to do so. So I hope Met fans stop drinking the Wright kool-aid and come aboard my bandwagon of seeing him for what he is. That would be, Mr. Overrated.
I think you should really start a new career. Your commentaries are interesting, and most importantly humorous. Think about it! I'm serious!