Part of being a Met fan is rooting against the Yankees and taking in the joy when they lose. One of the best moments I ever had was when they blew game 7 against Arizona in 2001. Seeing the Yankee fans suffer gave me amazing satisfaction. My distaste for them is so high, I actually rooted for the Braves in the World Series in 1999 after they defeated the Mets in the NLCS. I also rooted for the Phillies last year in the World Series. I would rather see a Mets division rival win than the Yankees. I don't know any Braves or Philly fans, so I don't have to see their joy thrown in my face. When the Yankees win, it is thrown in your face like a juicy white head. Isn't it amazing how everyone in the city becomes a Yankee fan. People who never paid attention to the Yankees jump on the bandwagon. It makes me sick. There is nothing worse than being a Met fan when the Yankees win a World Series. It was the worst week of my life. The parade makes you want to puke. I literally thought about blowing my brains out numerous times.
Why do I hate the Yankees so much you ask? A lot of it is jealousy. I have lived my entire life in the shadow of the Yankees. Since I was born, they have won 5 World Series. The Mets won one and that was in 1986 when I was four, so that doesn't count. The one other year the Mets made the World Series, they lost to the Yankees. Every season when the Yankees are in the playoffs, the Mets are usually on the golf course getting ready to tee off. Additionally, most of my friends are Yankee fans. I had to deal with them making fun of me all my life for being a Met fan. Screw them because I am a better person for being a Met fan. Being a Yankee fan is easy. Being a Met fan takes guts. It prepares you for the difficulties in life. The Met fans will make it through anything that comes their way.
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