Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Karma is a Bitch

So I am in Amsterdam with my wife on vacation and yes there are other things to do here besides smoke pot.  I get an email from my brother telling me that K-Rod is out for the season because he hurt himself beating up his common law father-in-law.  I said to myself, what a surprise that something bad happened to the Mets, and told my wife sorry I need to write about this. 

K-Rod tore a ligament in his thumb and is out for the season.  The God he looks up and points to when he gets the last out of a game did not save him from this one.  I am ashamed of myself for not predicting this would happen, it so fits the Mets.  I guarantee that there is not one Met fan that is surprised by this.  They are the Mets and these things always happen (Duanar Sanchez taxi cab accident 2006).  Lets face it, K-Rod deserved something bad to happen to him.  He beat up an old man in front of women and children.  Karma really got him good.     

This should officially clinch him being off the team.  This has to be a violation of his contract because it is not a baseball injury.  The Mets should do everything in their power to have it voided.  Someone should have told K-Rod to use his non-throwing hand when punching someone.  What a moron.  Wow, you can hurt your hand when punching someone, what a shocker.  His hands are only worth about 12 million a year, so it makes a lot of sense. 

I can only imagine what the reaction would be if the Mets were in a pennant race.  Losing your closer would be a team killer.  But luckily, the Mets are not anywhere close to a pennant race.  The organization might think they are in one, but anyone with half a brain knows they are not.  This K-Rod situation is the only Mets news lately because the rest of the city has forgotten they exist.  Soon this story will go away, hopefullly so will K-Rod, and the Mets will play the rest of the season in their half empty stadium.  Suck it Wilpons.  Enjoy meaningless September baseball and look towards 2011.     

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