Monday, November 8, 2010

Bon Jovi Gone Bad

Apparently Bon Jovi was at the Celtics game in the form of a nerd with glasses.  This guy really gave it his all performing "Livin on a Prayer".  He was singing, dancing, and showing his stage presence.  Like a true showman, he tried to include the audience in his performance as he held his pretend microphone, played his air guitar, and high fived and hugged others in the crowd.  All that was missing was Simon, Randy, and Paula judging the performance.  I was hoping he would fall down the steps, but unfortunetly that did not happen.  My guess is some were entertained, some were intrigued, and some were wondering exactly how much did this guy drink tonight.  This was a performance that could only be matched by a bunch of drunks at the Joshua Tree on a Saturday night. 

There is always one loser at a sporting event who is put up on the big screen and acts like they are some type of superstar.  Now because of YouTube, they become instant sensations and people like me give them more publicity by writing about them.   I personally hate everything that goes on at sporting events.  They have made sporting events into side shows, with sing-a-longs, kiss cam, morons shooting shirts into the crowd, and idiotic fake races between buses or trains.  What ever happened to just going to a game, to watch the actual game itself.  Have we become such an ADD society that the games itself are not good enough.  If it were up to me, I would ban it all.  Sit down, shut up, and watch the game.        

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